
The health benefits of cranberries. Can dogs and cats eat cranberries?

Cranberries are valued for its numerous health properties. However, not everyone knows that dogs and cats can also benefit from the properties of this fruit! In today's entry, we will discuss the benefits that cranberries can bring to our animals and in what form (and when) it can be introduced into the diet.

Rich in nutrients and active substances, cranberries have many medicinal properties that can have a beneficial effect on the health of dogs and cats. In today’s entry, we will discuss the use of cranberries in the diet, its properties and substances responsible for its positive effect on the animals’ bodies.

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Currently, we consider cranberries as a subgenus of blueberries and after the last revision of the taxonomy, we assume that when writing about cranberries we mean these two varieties:

  • large cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) – North American species of cranberry,
  • marshberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos) – spread mostly in northern Europe.

Cranberries – composition

Cranberries contain many valuable compounds, including:

  • benzoic acid – prevents the growth of mold, thanks to it cranberries remain fresh for a long time,
  • hippuric acid – acidifies urine, this is especially important for dogs and cats, which should have a urine pH between 5.0-6.5,
  • citric acid – gives cranberries their characteristic sour taste,
  • gallic acid – has a disinfecting and antifungal effect, slows down the metabolism of Listeria monocytogenes bacteria, which contribute to listeriosis (a rare but fatal disease),
  • vitamin C – an antioxidant (supports the immune system), which is necessary for the proper functioning of the body,
  • pectin compounds – reduce reflux symptoms (research showed its anti-inflammatory properties in mice with experimental colitis).

How to give cranberries to dogs and cats?

We can give cranberries to our dogs and cats in several ways:

  • fresh fruits (it can be stored for up to several months),
  • dried or freeze-dried fruits – without sugar and other sweeteners (!),
  • cold-pressed juice – also choose products without sugar and other sweeteners.

The type of product must be matched to our pet. For my dog, ground, dried fruit added to his meal or pure, unsweetened juice works best.

Benefits of cranberries

Cranberry increases immunity and is also extremely helpful in urinary tract infections. It has the ability to prevent pathogenic bacteria from attaching to the walls of the urinary tract and bladder. Cranberries also have a bactericidal effect (especially against E.coli bacteria), a diuretic and an acidifying effect on urine. It is believed that the compounds contained in it have antifungal properties, reduce the symptoms of reflux and have anti-inflammatory properties.

  • In 2016 a randomized controlled trial (RCT) was conducted in dogs to test the effects of cranberry extract on urinary tract infections (UTIs). It was administered for 60 days, then the dogs were examined and it was concluded that cranberries prevented the development of urinary tract infections,
  • In 2019 studies have been published on the diagnosis and treatment of cystitis in cats. In cats that were additionally administered cranberries, painful sensations during the act of urination disappeared, the quantity and frequency of diuresis normalized and the urine pH did not exceed 6.4, unlike the cats from the second group,
  • The flavonoids in cranberries may also help inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause gum disease and stomach ulcers.

Cranberry dosage

At this point, there is no exact maximum dosage, and the minimum dose depends on the animal’s health condition. The standard dosage is 25-100 mg/kg body weight, remembering that when trying to acidify urine and in bacterial problems, we stick to the upper doses.

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